Let's Hack HTTP
In this article I’m going to show you why you absolutely want to ditch HTTP websites by impersonating an attacker that has targeted you.
Hey you! Do not try what’s shown in the article with people that didn’t explicitly give you permission to do so, otherwise I’ll be at your doorstep real soon.
Yeah, no worries officer! I’m experimenting inside my home network
This article should give you a better understanding of why HTTP is bad and why you should avoid it. Also you’ll learn a few different tools that are common in the IT world.
We’re going to use some well known pen-testing tools to make this happen: - nmap - ettercap - WireShark
Initial Phase
Our attack is useless if we don’t have anyone to hack, so what an attacker would do first is actually FIND you in the network. That’s what nmap is famous for. What nmap will do is scan the entire network and look for connected hosts which we can potentially attack.
I’m going to scan my home network with nmap but before that I need my local IP address

Great, now I know that my local IP is and the subnet mask is, that’s all I need to performa a network exploration with nmap

As you can see I provided nmap with the IPs to scan in the network, which in this case are all the addresses that go from to, the flag -sn will make nmap try to determine whether the specified hosts are up and what are their names.
My target is going to be my iMac that’s sitting next to me, its IP address is
Packet Sniffing
Now that we have our target we need to sniff his/her HTTP packets. Since we’re all connected to a router at the moment, we’re going to see nothing useful in WireShark because my iMac’s packets are not sent directly to me, the router will just send those packets to my iMac.
How are we going to make those packets come to us then if the router will just send them to my iMac? This can be performed with a well known attack called MITM (Man In The Middle) that will make all those packets pass through us before reaching his intended destination.

You might be wondering what ettercap is doing here, let me explain.
Every router relies heavily on ARP, (Address Resolution Protocol), to know where devices are on the network. It basically links every MAC address (which never changes) to its device IP address. What ettercap here is basically doing is called ARP poisoning, which I’m using to make the router think that I am the victim’s computer so that it will send all the packets intended for my iMac to me, and I’m also telling the iMac that I am the router so it should send all the packets to me. Starting to see the bigger picture? 🙃

These are all the packets that are going through my iMac to the router and from the router to the iMac. Luckily this will mostly be encrypted stuff, but guess what, HTTP is not. Let’s move to WireShark so we can capture and filter all the packets that we need. While ettercap is still going, I’m going to capture packets with WireShark and at the same moment I’m going to use my iMac to navigate to an unsecured website which is just a dummy site that uses HTTP.

I also did filter packets by IP and HTTP protocol to have a better understanding of what I captured. Now WireShark will help me put those pieces together, if I right click on one of those HTTP packets and select Follow > HTTP stream I’ll get everything of what the victim browsed in cleartext.

From here I can see everything the victim did on that site, I could grab his login credentials when he/she tries to log in and every other possible bad thing that pops to my mind.
Now you know that when you are browsing on an insecure website, even worse on a public network, keep in mind that you are not safe and bad guys could be watching every step that you make.