HN Widgets

Dec 2023
GitHub Repository

I’ve developed HN widgets because I was curious about iOS widgets development, plus, some friends gave me the hint that it would be cool to have HN top news on a widget, so why not build one?


Sept 2023
GitHub Repository

envelope is a modern environment variables manager.

I had some trouble with .env files so I’ve created this CLI utility tool to better manage my environment variables.

Network Status APIs

May 2023
GitHub Repository

This is a project I started during GSoC 2023 for The Tor Project, to this day I am still maintaining the project.


Jan 2022

I didn’t like what others read-it later apps out there offered so I created one that fit my needs, it’s currenlty in beta testing though!

Libgen Telegram Bot

Mar 2022
GitHub Repository

This is a very basic Telegram bot to interface with libgen

HNReader for macOS

Jun 2021
GitHub Repository

I’ve developed HNReader to have a native macOS app to read my daily Hacker News. I’m not a fan of the minimalist design of the original website and therefore I went for a custom design, this also was my first attempt to develop a macOS application.

chmod util

Nov 2021
GitHub Repository

I didn’t know what to do that night and I forgot how to calculate chmod permissions so…​

Group Activity Telegram Bot

Nov 2021
GitHub Repository

Another very basic Telgram bot that will keep track of user activities in groups

Lode for iOS

Mar 2021
GitHub Repository

I developed this application to get rid of all the excel pages I had to manage my university’s marks and assignments. It was developed using Swift and it was released in 2020 to the app store and also made available as an open source project for others to see and learn.